Spiritual Evolution
Spiritual Evolution

Spiritual Evolution (9786057918611)

Yazar - Marka : Akif Manaf
Yayınevi - Tedarikçi : Az Kitap Yayınları
İndirim Oranı : %15 İndirim
Fiyat : ₺100,00
İndirimli : ₺85,00
Stok Adeti : 0
Barkod : 9786057918611
Az Kitap Yayınları
“Spiritual Evolution” What is it and How to Spiritually Evolve? “Spiritual Evolution means to be a human. Everything else means to be an animal” "Spiritual evolution has nothing to do with any religion but everything to do with the eternal spirit inside the temporary body!" The important work of Akif Manaf, the world renowned and great author of over 60 published books, "Spiritual Evolution: What is it and How to Spiritually Evolve?" premiers in English. The world famous and great author, Akif Manaf, tells the truth regarding Spiritual Evolution in his famous book "Spiritual Evolution.” A new addition to his 60 book series, this work takes the reader on a breathless journey full of adventure and mystery and is now available in English! The author strips the readers from today's competition, greed, possessiveness, and the chaos of technological dependence while enabling us to recognize the unique values of our self being. You will become aware of the tremendous human potential! As you read, you will look at life with brand new eyes and hope! This book is a phenomenal work that compels the reader to spiritually evolve, change, and develop. The author's book “Spiritual Evolution” has extraordinary features. The reader feels the immense pleasure of existence and the cosmic mechanism. The narratives’ human and superhuman values will awaken the awareness that leads to your self being. It is a must read! “..Spiritual evolution is a mystic adventure – the adventure of raising consciousness. In this adventure, there is no chance or luck because spiritual evolution is dynamic. It is in the existential flow and transcends fate. In short, to spiritually evolve is to overcome destiny and rewrite the future! Two things are important for spiritual evolution: the first thing is to be an independent researcher, and the second is to search without prejudice. Do not investigate anything, just search, and you will find everything. The name of the “finding everything” is spiritual evolution. Spiritual evolution means love and humor. If you want to spiritually evolve, you need to learn to burst into laughter; do not be so serious. The ones who are serious cannot spiritually evolve because spiritual evolution means laughing out loud. The journey of spiritual evolution is not related to beliefs but to wisdom. So, spiritual evolution is a journey of wisdom. On the process of spiritual evolution, the individual passes from the microcosmic experiences to the macrocosmic experience. The way to spiritual evolution passes through questioning everything. Today, spiritual evolution is the tool for both individual and social change, transformation, and salvation. The modern people will either transform their energy by raising it and spiritually evolving, or they will commit suicide. However, this highly effective methodology we offer to humanity is the tool of social spiritual evolution. Use it with joy!..” Tanıtım MetniTanıtım Metni
Yayın Evi
Az Kitap Yayınları
Cilt Bilgisi
Ürün Tipi
Baskı Durumu
Baskı Sayısı
Basım Tarihi
Temmuz 2019
Sayfa Sayısı
Kitap Boyutu
13,50 x 19,50 cm
Kağıt Cinsi
2. Hamur
Yayın Dili
Cem Şahin

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Kemal Doğan

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Dilek Olgun

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Nermin Güday Kaçar

Yazar 1969 Bolu doğumludur. Duru ve Uras adlı iki torunu vardır. Emekli memurdur. Ayrıca resim çalışmaları da yapmaktadır.

Faruk Güzel

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